Covid 19, Panic buying and Supply chain disruption The government has imposed movement restrictions from 11pm today (13) to 4am Monday (17) with inter-district travel restrictions to avoid minimum interaction during upcoming Ramadan festival. With the declaration of movement restriction for 3 days people stampeded to Super markets and grocery stores to pile up essentials. In another term panic buying.... I went 3 leading Super markets with my farther few hours ago to buy some households. But the super market shelves were empty. I could witnessed it last year as well. But this time the situation is worst. It made me realize foreing super markets during first wave of Covid-19 pandemic. One of my aunt, recides in New- Zelend told me that the biggest problem for it's citizen was unavailability of Toilet papersšŸ¤£ but in our case it's food items. It is a big problem than toilet papers. People have alternatives for toilet papers... Simply water.... But there are no alternatives for essentials.It is a sign of food unsecurity of the country.We can not blame anyone for that. Because still the supply chains are at feeble level. Few months back my sister and my self visited Spar supermarket to buy some stuff. She wanted to purchase a bottle of pringles and Loreal shampoo. But it seemed two products were unavailable. Then I asked from outlet manager to ensure whether the products are avilable. His answer was, the stocks unavailable. With that answer my sister and my self started to talk about the supply chain disruption and what happened if this situation continue for long months.But those two products are not essentials.But today I experienced the danger of supply chain disruption. The rice was not there, onions, potatoes, pulses, Spices,... Etc were not there. Why??? Supply chain disruption Why supply chain disruption? Because of global pandemic, Boarder restrictions Why it affect us more than other countries? Because we are the nation sit on the unrevealed treasure. We are not self-sufficent from food commodities eventhough immence agricultural potential. We are depend on forign countries even for most basic things where our country have a immence potential for production. Sri lanka was known as Granery of east because of its richness and self sufficiency from food. We exporeted Rice, pulses and many other crop based products for India and middle east countries. We nurtured thousands of enlightened buddist monks, people build gigantic buildings and massive structures during the period where engineering and technology were at very preliminary level. Which made them to do such remarkable things. The richness of the nation pave them to think and be creative. The richness was not ivory, gold, gems or diomond. It was Rice, the food, The source of energy. But now we are waiting until disembark the ship which carries tons of foreign rice. We will die from starvation if those ships will not come on time. We will definitly face number of problems if world leaders decide to impose trade restrictions. In 1978, late precident J. R. Jayawardena change the former constitution and open up the country for free trade with the intension of developing the country. Still old folks blaming J. R. For opening up the country for free trade. But in the modern era, none of the countriestoan not keep their boarders close for world. But We embrace open economy from wrong side. Open country for foreign trade is essential for growth and development of the country. The best examples are Singapore, Hong-kong, Netherlands, New Zeland and Finland. But the condition of our country is 360 degrees different. The open economy made us dependents. So that's why we are facing soo many troubles today But we can change it if we stand as a nation. If we throw our drowsiness away, we can make our country The Singapore, The Hong-kong tommorow.